1 2 3 4 get your woman on the floor lyrics
1 2 3 4 get your woman on the floor lyrics

Also look at his hand positions it is pointing to the directions of 9/11 and also close to the time it had happened which was around 8:50.


He has chains around his wrist which means he just broke free from something. He's wearing a black arm band which means someone is dead.

1 2 3 4 get your woman on the floor lyrics

He is wearing all red that signifies blood. He's running out of New York City with buildings burning in the background. If you do first thing that would pop into your head is 9/11. Michael wasn't stupid look at the album cover do you see what I see. Well Michael is obviously a Iconic legendary dancer and explaining he was gonna get hurt or something by the title is clever. Think about the title "Blood on the Dance Floor". This amazing timeless tune was about a relationship that Michael was in then he got his heart broken and the girl wanted him back just to kill him again. Just look on the back side of your dollar bill, you'll see the "all seeing eye" looking back at Peace all!! They control our money and entertainment. but look into it, and I wont sound as crazy as I do right now, to someone who has never heard of the Illuminati. MJ is dead because he parted from them in the entertainment world and was trying to warn others through his music. Not to mention the illuminating atmosphere around him, and the silver bracelets on his wrist.I can't really remember a time that MJ wore a lot of jewelrey, I could be wrong though. In this video, he creates the actual pyrimid with the girls legs, and puts his head in the middle to signify the eye. He also did "They don't really care about us" and while he was dancing on the stairs, you see on the wall "the all seeing eye" which represents the illuminati.

1 2 3 4 get your woman on the floor lyrics

no longer wanted to play "their" game in entertainment.

1 2 3 4 get your woman on the floor lyrics